Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bear Lake 2008

Bear Lake 2008


Josh, Lindsie, and Ava said...

So Fun! I miss Bear Lake! I would so love to go spend a day there.

Meagan said...

oh man it looks like you guys had a blast at bear lake! We could go boating, Wednesday or Thursday this week...and then tuesday wednesday or thursday next week....Would any of those days work for you?? Talk to cam and let me know!!

Jessica Jensen said...

I haven't been on your blog in such a long time. Oh what fun you have been having. I love the pictures of the kids. I am glad you are still taking bus rides to get Aggie Ice Cream...

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Looks like you had a great time, I really miss Bear Lake. Great pix of the kids playing ball and Tyker is getting sooo big!

Trevor and Amy said...

Love the new background! Looks like you guys are having a fun summer!